evolve your industrial management

Produce faster, eliminate delays and decrease your inventory levels

smart, efficient and simple

operations management

Optimize production processes to increase factory efficiency

Balance efficiency with resource constraints, technology limitations, and team skills

If you face production delays due to lack of real-time visibility while struggling with outdated systems and lack of integration, we help you implement an integrated management solution to optimize production, improving efficiency, reducing delays and keeping production aligned with deadlines

Adapt to changing customer demands and production requirements

Flexible production processes that can quickly adapt to changes

If remaining responsive to market fluctuations and evolving customer needs while trying to increase standardization is a challenge for your company, Sensio is the flexible solution you are looking for

Efficiently Meet Customer Order Deadlines

Ensure customer satisfaction and maintain positive relationships

Fluctuations in demand and tight deadlines are challenges for every factory. Sensio can help you implement streamlined workflows and automation tools for optimal production and inventory

Sectors served


Melhore seu lucro com a redução de estoque nas indústrias moveleira! O ERP da Sensio é a solução perfeita para simplificar sua gestão, rastrear cada peça e eliminar desperdícios. Clique agora e assuma o controle total da sua empresa.

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Diga adeus às dores de controle de estoque na indústria alimentícia! Nosso ERP integrado é a solução perfeita para acabar com desperdícios, evitar excesso ou falta de estoque. Clique agora e saiba como!


Desafios no controle de estoque na indústria de embalagens? Nossa plataforma de gestão integrada é a solução. Otimize, reduza custos e transforme seu negócio. Clique agora e simplifique sua gestão!

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Não comprometa a qualidade e a precisão na sua indústria ferramentaria! Aumente a eficiência, reduza custos e conquiste resultados extraordinários com nosso o ERP da Sensio. Clique agora e transforme sua empresa!


Reduza os problemas de estoque e produção! Nossa plataforma de gestão integrada descomplica o controle, reduz desperdícios e impulsiona seus lucros. Fale conosco e simplifique sua gestão agora mesmo!

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Production management

  • Visual Production Order in Kanban
  • Production Routing
  • Losses Report
  • Master Production Plan
  • MRP

Do you waste time with recurring errors due to lack of raw materials, waste and variations in production time? Sensio has already identified that these are the biggest pain points for industry managers. That's why we've put together the best tools to help you run a more efficient company.

Inventory control

  • Automatic raw material discharge and finished product entry
  • Committed quantities
  • Calculation of needs
  • Batch control

Avoid excesses or shortages in your stock, with Sensio you can see whether stock is in excess, low or healthy for any item in real time.

Industrial Optimizations

  • Demand Forecasting and Segmentation
  • Product Recommendation
  • Replenishment planning

Don't know how to improve your company's results? We know how exhausting it can be to search, analyze and make decisions based on data. Therefore, Sensio brings the best of industrial optimization through automatic data analysis with Artificial Intelligence. This makes it easy to make decisions, all visually.


Como escolher o frete certo para o seu negócio?
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Bárbara Marinho
Erros no controle de estoque: como a IA pode corrigir e prevenir
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Renata Parma
Recall: estratégias de gestão para proteger sua marca
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Luiza Caroliny
Kanban na indústria: como otimizar processos em todos os departamentos 
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Renata Parma
O que é rastreabilidade por código e por que sua indústria precisa dela?
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ARW Wooden Artifacts
“As a Sensio customer since August 2021, I would like to share my experience. Before hiring them, I conducted a thorough research and I already had good expectations. However, I was positively surprised as soon as I started using the platform. It far exceeded my initial expectations and continues to provide exceptional service.”
Portuense Condiments
“Surely today life is different. And we have information that we can trust. With regard to inventory, everything that was done manually before, now you open the production order, the inputs, it already reserves the inventory, what you are going to use, when you finalize the production order, it confirms that it has been finalized, that what had been planned has been executed, if it was not said at the time. And then, as soon as you finish it, it goes down with the raw material and already enters the finished product. So yeah, it's sensational.”
Prevesul Disposables
“The Sensio management platform offers very clean, extremely intuitive layouts and menus. In addition, the numerous possibilities of using AI for purchases, for sales, for inventory management and maintenance, were also decisive for hiring. With Sensio, we find practical, quality information that helps us a lot in our daily lives. It really is a system with complete functions, but without being complex, it is quite simple to use and interact with.”
Padovani Music
“The job with Sensio flows, is not bureaucratic, and allows us to do the most important thing, which is to complete an order and make money. Anyway, I control the system and not the other way around. And the system has everything, sales, services, production order, and finance. And everything is like that, simple. Not to mention the convenience that the support service offers.”
AVR Machines
“The support from this company is incredible. They quickly adapt the system to the customer's needs. Without red tape, without delay, without excuses, they simply solve it. We migrated to Sensio two months ago. When migrating, we realized how intelligent and agile the system is. It has a very well designed and flexible import system. It provides diverse information and FACILITATES management, unlike market options that hinder rather than help. We are surprised by the quality of the service and the product, and our expectations are exceeded every day.”
Pre-Molded Ciola
“Before, we needed spreadsheets and online schedules for our production and another ERP for the financial one. In our particular case, the solutions were very expensive, until we found Sensio. A spectacular program helped us organize the financial information together with our production, centralized the information in a practical and easily accessible way. A very intuitive program, which today meets all our needs as a precast concrete and civil construction company. The assistance is first-rate, always quick and assertive.”

How do our customers feel after using Sensio?


Sensio - Integrações

Como nossos clientes se sentem depois de usar o Sensio?

"The support from this company is incredible"

"Great value for money with great reliability"

"Very effective in the points that I consider important for managing a factory"

"A very simple system, but at the same time, complete"

"I definitely recommend"

"A very intuitive program"

"It was approved by the entire team"

"Exceptional. Best option"

Book a demo

Schedule a demonstration and find out now everything Sensio can do for your company!

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Elected one of the 10 most promising business solutions in Latin America in 2023 by the American magazine CIO Review